COVID-19 in Honduras
On Saturday, March 14th, Honduras issued an “Alerta Roja” (Red Alert) after additional cases of COVID-19 were confirmed. Airports and borders between Honduras and its neighboring countries have been closed to all but essential travel. The country is focused on keeping the virus out of the country as an outbreak would seriously tax their healthcare system.
As of this morning, there are 9 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Honduras in the departments of Atlantida, Choluteca, Francisco Morazan, and Cortes. Main roads between cities are closed to enhance isolation protections. The country is under curfew, and people are being asked to shelter in place. All businesses are closed in Juticalpa with the exception of grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies, and medical facilities. Food and supplies are available but long lines are common.
Our main office team and administrators took quick action last week to cancel gatherings and begin implementing remote learning and work. We have stayed in communication with staff, families, and volunteers to share recommendations from health authorities through social media applications such as Facebook and WhatsApp.
Schools across the country are closed. Olancho Aid Foundation teachers, administrators, and main office staff are working to offer online learning for students from Santa Clara Schools and Cardenal High School. An assessment is being completed to determine the number of students without internet or computer access at home so that alternatives may be provided.
Volunteers were given the opportunity to leave Honduras last week. A number of our volunteers have remained in the country and now face closed borders. Some are now sheltering in place in Trujillo, where they have proximity to Roatan if evacuations occur.
Many families served by the Foundation already live a day-to-day existence. We know they will face more difficulty during this uncertain time and we can anticipate that the economic situation will mean more families unable to meet their own basic needs. The Board of Directors and executive staff is committed to supporting our family and the Church in Honduras.
In the coming days and weeks, we will continue sending updates about this situation. Please know that we are very grateful for your prayers and financial support. We continue to pray for all of those affected by this pandemic. President Hernandez has designated Thursday as a day of prayer for all Hondurans. We ask that you join the people of Honduras and pray for their health tomorrow.
Olancho Aid Foundation
Virgen de Suyapa
Madre de mi corazón,
únete siempre a mi espalda
como al niño que te halló,
guíame por el camino,
abrígame con tu amor,
condúceme al paraíso
donde no se oculta el Sol.
Cuando me venza el cansancio,
o me atenace la angustia,
cuando la muerte, a su paso,
haga despertar mis dudas,
Virgencita de Suyapa
ven a mi espalda en ayuda,
sostenme con tu mirada,
y mis lágrimas enjuga.
Reina de los hondureños,
con tus pequeñas manitas
rezas por el bien del pueblo
que en tu protección confía.
Virgencita de Suyapa,
morena de raza indígena,
¡cúbreme de paz el alma
hasta el final de mis días!