Olancho Aid Spotlight: Gabriel Vasquez
Gabriel (right) with the 2017 Santa Clara Summer Camp counselors
Age: 17
School: Instituto Bilingüe Santa Clara (IBSC)
Grade: 12th
What is your favorite part of school?
Might sound crazy but, class time is my favorite part of school.
Do you have a favorite memory of school?
More than just a single favorite memory of school, I have a couple of memories which I consider important; things I've lived through high school that I won't ever forget, like all our Social Studies' fairs, which I enjoy a lot, and times when I served as an interpreter for mission teams and for the International School Project. Science Fairs are one of my favorites, too. I don't know if it counts, but I think my personal favorite was the trip to California I got the honor of being part of this last March with 10 other students from IBSC.
What are your future plans?
For the future, I'm not sure just yet what I want. I would like to go to college, but don't know where yet. I am also not sure of what I will study, there are many careers out there that are of interest to me.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I like school, yes, that's right. I'm eager to learn new things every day and make use of what I know to help others. I love to read, preferably sci-fi books, and Japanese manga.