Stepping Outside Your Community to Make a Difference
Have you heard the story of the Dad and his young daughter walking down the beach and it is covered with starfish? The little girl stops to throw one starfish back into the ocean before the hot sun dries it out. The Dad, impatient for his morning walk says, honey you can’t really make a difference for all these starfish. She stops, picks up one more starfish and drops it in the ocean. Smiling at her Dad she says… I made a difference to that one! Making a difference in the world, it is something we can do.
When I pulled back from working in industry, I asked myself how I could make a difference. I feel so blessed to have found Olancho Aid Foundation, Inc. The work is challenging, varied, and I use all my business skills in support of a great group of teachers who are having a true daily impact on kid’s lives.
Perhaps some pictures will tell the story of life here.

This is the street we live on and walk to our bus. Yes, it is safe here.

These are my fellow volunteers. Yes, we are diverse, but like minded in a desire to serve in whatever capacity we are asked.

This is who we do it for and why we have volunteered almost 5 months of our time to come to Honduras. Yes, it gives you that awesome feeling in your heart!

This is a shot of the field and hills that I see when I wait for the afternoon bus to go home. I stand at the gate of the Foundation and look out at the hills. Which gives me time to think about how lucky I have been in my life and career and what my trip to Honduras is giving me. Yes, you can make a difference!
This is a great experience for me. I am so happy to be doing something beyond my local community. If you should hear the call, will you answer? We hope you do.
Jim Walker
Volunteer, 2018 & 2019