Welcome, Kerry Lindstrom! Please join us in welcoming Kerry to the Olancho Aid Foundation Board of Directors. With her background in education and experience living in Honduras, she will be an asset to the Education Committee. Kerry is a 5th grade English Language Arts and Social Studies teacher at Fairview Elementary in Dayton, OH. Previously she taught Kindergarten and English Language Learners K-4th grades at Warner Arts Magnet School in Nashville, TN. At Warner, she led the school … [Read more...]
Thoughts and Reflections of a First Time Volunteer
Thoughts and reflections of a first time volunteer. My journey, like many others before me, started with a calling; in my case it was an urge to go out and experience the world. I wanted to help others, learn about different cultures, and in turn learn more about myself. My hope was to make a difference in the world, however small or insignificant, I just wanted to make an impact. I came across Olancho Aid through an internet search. It was actually kind of amazing how everything clicked … [Read more...]
Sporadic Reflections
Sporadic Reflections “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 My mother served as a Public Health Nurse and when appropriate I would volunteer at her side. In addition to watching my mother in awe as she serviced her community, I was allowed to witness and experience a world beyond and different from my own. When I commenced my tertiary education, my voluntary service dwindled to nil and did not resurrect until graduation. Upon … [Read more...]
Interesting Dynamics of Intercultural Friendships
Interesting Dynamics of Intercultural Friendships One unique aspect of the Olancho Aid Long Term Volunteer Program is that volunteers get to experience living abroad for an extended period of time. I have lived in Honduras for almost six months now, and one of my favorite parts has been having the opportunity to establish and build connections with Hondurans. The friendships that I have made here have been a huge part of what has made this experience so amazing! That being said, when … [Read more...]
We’re looking for volunteers!
We’re looking for volunteers! In additional to the traditional volunteer program, this year Olancho Aid is seeking experienced volunteers who are experts in their field to serve as mentors and administrators at the Foundation. Our most pressing needs are for an early education specialist, a human resource specialist, and a mission team assistant. The early education specialist will provide support to preschool and kindergarten teachers by providing feedback and … [Read more...]
Memories built after a year of volunteering for Olancho Aid Foundation…
Memories built after a year of volunteering for Olancho Aid Foundation... TRAVELING AROUND HONDURAS Roatan was one of the most amazing places I have ever visited. There was nice weather, friendly people, and wonderful beaches. I also enjoyed visiting Copan Ruinas. Learning about Mayan history was something really intriguing and mind opening. NINOS/AS AT MARIA DE LOS ANGELES CHILDREN’S HOME I have enjoyed sharing time with the kids at the Children’s Home. It is a blessing to be able to … [Read more...]
Stepping Outside Your Community to Make a Difference
Stepping Outside Your Community to Make a Difference Have you heard the story of the Dad and his young daughter walking down the beach and it is covered with starfish? The little girl stops to throw one starfish back into the ocean before the hot sun dries it out. The Dad, impatient for his morning walk says, honey you can’t really make a difference for all these starfish. She stops, picks up one more starfish and drops it in the ocean. Smiling at her Dad she says… I made a difference to that … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Thoughts
The Five “F”s On behalf of the Olancho Aid Foundation Board of Directors, please accept our gratitude for all the support you provide to our mission through your prayers, donations and solidarity projects. It is my pleasure to share with you the outcomes of our recent annual retreat and planning session. Our 2019 plan can be summarized into the five “F” s. Faith Formation Through our partnership with the Diocese of Juticalpa, we will continue to expand efforts to increase the spiritual … [Read more...]
Independence Day in Honduras
Independence Day in Honduras by Karen Wiley, Fall 2018 Volunteer Honduras' National Day is always celebrated on September 15th. It commemorates the independence of the Central American provinces from Spanish rule in 1821. Although September 15th is the actual date, the celebrations continue all month long. Either there is the preparation for a celebration or the celebration itself, so that there always seems to be something happening related to this important event. All of this is … [Read more...]
Teacher Alumni Return for Mission Trip
Recently, Olancho Aid Foundation welcomed back four volunteer alumni who all taught for a year in Santa Clara classrooms. Here is a note from one of them, Dana, describing her experience returning as a mission team member: Going back to Honduras with some of my roommates and co-teachers from the 2014-2015 school year was one I will never forget! At times it felt like we had never left, but it was also great to see the progress that the Olancho Aid Foundation has made over the past few years. … [Read more...]