Thoughts and reflections of a first time volunteer. My journey, like many others before me, started with a calling; in my case it was an urge to go out and experience the world. I wanted to help others, learn about different cultures, and in turn learn more about myself. My hope was to make a difference in the world, however small or insignificant, I just wanted to make an impact. I came across Olancho Aid through an internet search. It was actually kind of amazing how everything clicked … [Read more...]
Interesting Dynamics of Intercultural Friendships
Interesting Dynamics of Intercultural Friendships One unique aspect of the Olancho Aid Long Term Volunteer Program is that volunteers get to experience living abroad for an extended period of time. I have lived in Honduras for almost six months now, and one of my favorite parts has been having the opportunity to establish and build connections with Hondurans. The friendships that I have made here have been a huge part of what has made this experience so amazing! That being said, when … [Read more...]
First Quarter Completion – Jacob
First Quarter Completion Jacob - November, 2016 As the last student left the halls of the Instituto on Friday, the conclusion of the first Quarter of the school year drew to a close. It was a quarter filled with laughter, challenges, and a lot of new experiences. Upon its conclusion, I can favorably look back on the experience and look forward to the next three quarters still to come. Coming into the school year as a first time teacher, I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew there … [Read more...]