A History of Escuelita Nazareth Nazareth, a Project of Love The story of Nazareth begins with the arrival of a girl with Down syndrome at the Concepción de María School Center, her name was Tania Lemus. She sparked the interest of Licda. Blanca Rivera who believed children with disabilities should have the opportunity to receive educational services in Juticalpa. She began her efforts in 1994 and it took two years before she would find support for her efforts. A light of hope came through a … [Read more...]
Celebrating Differences and Encouraging Inclusion
Celebrating Differences and Encouraging Inclusion The end of March and beginning of April were an especially busy time at Nazareth Special Needs School. On top of day-to-day school work, students found time to visit with mission teams, practice and perform a dance on Father's Day, and even to lead the community of Juticalpa in celebrating two very important days: World Down Syndrome Day and World Autism Awareness Day. All over the world, individuals with special needs face troublesome … [Read more...]
Ms. Breve’s Lesson
Ms. Breve's Lesson If asked to think of a particularly challenging student, all of you teachers out there would have (at least) one come to mind immediately. Maybe it's a child who needed A LOT of attention, or specialized resources, or more support at home. Maybe it was the first time you encountered a student like him or her and you didn't quite know how to effectively adapt your techniques to be effective for that child. Maybe you realized that every teacher who worked with this student … [Read more...]
Success Story in Progress: Are there fire drills in Honduras?
Estefany is nine years old. She is a student at Escuelita Nazareth who is blind. There are eight other children in her classroom, some with visual impairments and some who have perfect vision, but other learning difficulties. If there is an emergency at Nazareth, will Estefany know what to do? Will her classmates? Will her teacher? Estefany (left) and Isis (right) are best friends and classmates at Escuelita Nazareth. In the news, we are often reminded that unexpected emergencies … [Read more...]