Memories built after a year of volunteering for Olancho Aid Foundation... TRAVELING AROUND HONDURAS Roatan was one of the most amazing places I have ever visited. There was nice weather, friendly people, and wonderful beaches. I also enjoyed visiting Copan Ruinas. Learning about Mayan history was something really intriguing and mind opening. NINOS/AS AT MARIA DE LOS ANGELES CHILDREN’S HOME I have enjoyed sharing time with the kids at the Children’s Home. It is a blessing to be able to … [Read more...]
Ms. Breve’s Lesson
Ms. Breve's Lesson If asked to think of a particularly challenging student, all of you teachers out there would have (at least) one come to mind immediately. Maybe it's a child who needed A LOT of attention, or specialized resources, or more support at home. Maybe it was the first time you encountered a student like him or her and you didn't quite know how to effectively adapt your techniques to be effective for that child. Maybe you realized that every teacher who worked with this student … [Read more...]
1st Day of School
I was certainly feeling a combination of things as the first day of school approached. Excited to be finally meeting the children that I will be working with, and nervous to see what this school year would bring. However, as the bus came to pick us up in the morning, I could feel myself becoming more enthusiastic about the forthcoming day of school. I began the day at 7:00, greeting parents at the entrance of the school, as they arrived with their children to Santa Clara. Most of the children … [Read more...]
4th Annual Santa Clara English Summer Camp!
As the school year draws to an end, we at the Olancho Aid Foundation are excited to begin preparations for the annual Santa Clara English Summer Camp! At camp, we strive to help students maintain and improve their English levels, while (of course) also having a lot of fun. The camp is open to students from pre-K to 6th grade attending bilingual elementary schools in the Juticalpa and Catacamas areas. Each session will last two weeks, with the first two weeks reserved for students in the younger … [Read more...]