Six Questions and Answers about the Traveler Program For the first time, Olancho Aid is hosting trips that individuals, families, and small groups can sign up for. Since the program is new, there are lots of questions about how it will work and who can get involved. Here are some answers! If you have a question that's not addressed below, please email us at or request a 20-min intro call to learn more. 1. Why is Olancho Aid hosting trips? After connecting remotely … [Read more...]
Faith Serving Abroad
Faith Serving Abroad Looking from the time I started volunteering in late August in Julticalpa, Honduras until now, it has truly been such an experience. I was originally supposed to come to Honduras a year ago but I decided to defer for a year. I felt that I was not mentally and emotionally ready to serve just yet. I do believe there is a time and place for everything. When I was finally ready to serve for at least four months, the Foundation offered to defer my service again, since … [Read more...]
Gifts Honduras Gave Me
Gifts Honduras Gave Me This is my third trip volunteering in the bilingual schools with Olancho Aid. I come to the schools after a lifetime in US schools as a teacher, administrator, college professor, and literacy coach. While I arrive in Honduras with the intention of teaching school teachers and administrators, I actually learn as much from being here as I give. Volunteering in another country has helped me to think about everything that is comfortable and familiar to me in the US. And … [Read more...]
We’re looking for volunteers!
We’re looking for volunteers! In additional to the traditional volunteer program, this year Olancho Aid is seeking experienced volunteers who are experts in their field to serve as mentors and administrators at the Foundation. Our most pressing needs are for an early education specialist, a human resource specialist, and a mission team assistant. The early education specialist will provide support to preschool and kindergarten teachers by providing feedback and … [Read more...]
Memories built after a year of volunteering for Olancho Aid Foundation…
Memories built after a year of volunteering for Olancho Aid Foundation... TRAVELING AROUND HONDURAS Roatan was one of the most amazing places I have ever visited. There was nice weather, friendly people, and wonderful beaches. I also enjoyed visiting Copan Ruinas. Learning about Mayan history was something really intriguing and mind opening. NINOS/AS AT MARIA DE LOS ANGELES CHILDREN’S HOME I have enjoyed sharing time with the kids at the Children’s Home. It is a blessing to be able to … [Read more...]
Stepping Outside Your Community to Make a Difference
Stepping Outside Your Community to Make a Difference Have you heard the story of the Dad and his young daughter walking down the beach and it is covered with starfish? The little girl stops to throw one starfish back into the ocean before the hot sun dries it out. The Dad, impatient for his morning walk says, honey you can’t really make a difference for all these starfish. She stops, picks up one more starfish and drops it in the ocean. Smiling at her Dad she says… I made a difference to that … [Read more...]
Independence Day in Honduras
Independence Day in Honduras by Karen Wiley, Fall 2018 Volunteer Honduras' National Day is always celebrated on September 15th. It commemorates the independence of the Central American provinces from Spanish rule in 1821. Although September 15th is the actual date, the celebrations continue all month long. Either there is the preparation for a celebration or the celebration itself, so that there always seems to be something happening related to this important event. All of this is … [Read more...]
Jim’s first week
My first week! by Jim Walker, Fall 2018 Volunteer Buenos Dias from Honduras! Our flight from Miami was uneventful, except for the two-hour delay leaving. No worries upon arrival as we had been prepared well. We were greeted by the smiling faces of Jose and Stephanie just outside the baggage claim area. We had a short walk to are awaiting school bus. Seems the short van didn’t want to cooperate that morning so rather than risk trouble, they brought the bus. It made for a much more … [Read more...]